The Technologies needed to get to Climate Neutrality

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Hanno Böck

June 2024 was the hottest June on record

May 2024 was the hottest May on record

April 2024 was the hottest April on record

(you get the idea)

13 consecutive months with temperature records


We have to do something

Coal plant

Wind and Solar energy

Renewable Energy alone is not a solution for all emissions


Steel Blast Furnace

Image: Aimelaime/Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain


Directly responsible for 7% of worldwide CO₂ emissions

(including indirect emissions: 12%)

Steel emissions

Not just energy, also chemistry

Iron Ore (Hematite)



But you really just want the Fe (iron)

Blast Furnace (Coal)

2 Fe₂O₃ + 3 C => 4 Fe + 3 CO₂


Any significant reduction in emissions from steelmaking will involve new and largely untested technology

Most promising alternative

Green Hydrogen

Direct reduction with hydrogen

Fe₂O₃ + 3 H₂ => Fe + 3 H₂O


Let's talk about hydrogen

We are currently in post hydrogen hype

Currently, almost all industrial hydrogen is made from fossil gas or coal, and it is usually made very close to the point of use

We could make hydrogen from water with green electricity, but that takes huge amounts of energy (green hydrogen)

We could also make hydrogen with Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), but it is unclear if that can get emissions to acceptable levels (blue hydrogen)

Hydrogen is difficult to transport

(pipeline: maybe, shipping: unlikely)

Back to steel

Swedish company SSAB has ambitious plans for hydrogen-based steelmaking

SSAB pilot plant

Converting Sweden's steel industry to hydrogen would:

  • Reduce Sweden's emissions by 10%

  • Increase Sweden's electricity production by 10%

Steelmaking with hydrogen - challenges

  • Making green hydrogen requires a lot of energy
  • Hydrogen is difficult to transport
  • Requries higher quality iron ore
  • Unlikely to be competetive with coal-based steel any time soon

What is Denmark's biggest emission source?

Cement plant Aalborg

Cement plant Aalborg

Tomasz Sienicki/Wikimedia Commons, CC-by 3.0

Cement is responsible for around 8 percent of worldwide CO₂ emissions

Cement emissions

Not just energy, also chemistry

Clinker production

CaCO₃ => CaO + CO₂

Not really any alternatives

(some very experimental technologies using calcium silicates)

What do we do if we have CO₂ emissions that we cannot avoid?

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)


Capture CO₂ emissions and store them underground

You may sometimes hear something like this:

CCS is already successfully used in places like the US or Norway

Not entirely wrong, but needs some context

CCS in the United States

Enhanced Oil Recovery

CCS in Norway

If you want to understand CCS, it's sometimes interesting to read Norwegian newspapers

Karbonfangst for dyrt for Equinor, derfor ble CCS valgt vekk

Altaposten, April 2024


High CO₂ concentration: relatively affordable

Low CO₂ concentration: very expensive

Existing CCS projects overwhelmingly use easy emission sources (high CO₂ concentration)

Existing CCS projects are almost always connected to the Oil and Gas industry

Cement and CCS

No cement plant with CCS operational

Under construction: Brevik in Norway (Heidelberg Materials)

Planned capture rate 50%

Emissions from cement

Around 2/3 chemistry (high CO₂ concentration)

Around 1/3 heat / fossil (low CO₂ concentration)

If the process heat could be electrified, capturing the remaining emissions would be easier

Is it possible to electrify cement?

Noone has ever tried

(Some experiments in the lime industry)

There are industries where carbon-containing fuels or chemicals are probably unavoidable

(aviation, plastics, possibly shipping)

Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU)


Making chemicals or e-fuels from CO₂ and hydrogen

Needs a source of CO₂

(that is not fossil and not cement)

Direct Air Capture or biogenic (with caveats)

CCU needs lots of hydrogen

That means lots of energy

If you want to make plastics and other chemicals via CCU:

Double the world's electricity production

If you also want to run aviation on e-fuels:

Triple the world's electricity production

Eventually, CO₂ should be removed from the air

(also needs lots of energy)

Thanks for listening!


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Hanno Böck